Dr Nidhi Garg is a renowned Laparoscopic Surgeon with an experience of 15 years and over 2000 laparoscopic procedures. She has keen interest in Minimally Invasive Surgery and performs most of gynaecological procedures laparoscopically which offers lot of patient advantages like lesser pain, lesser bed rest, little or no scar, discharge within 24 hours of admission for most procedures etc.

She has dedicated her career to a singular aim of mastering laparoscopic gynecologic procedures so as to deliver excellence in healthcare at an affordable cost in a loving and compassionate environment. She has the vision to make the hospital experience of any woman a very pleasant and comfortable journey.

She also has a strong inclination for High-risk pregnancy and a has a dedicated High-Risk pregnancy Care Unit where all high-risk pregnancies are monitored and assessed closely to make a safe environment for both the mother and the baby

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